Keep it hot

With Valentine’s upon us and predicted spending growing 40% on last year, I was looking at what brands may be up there apart from the usual chocolates and flowers.  One launch that got my attention was the Ember mug. A product looking very sleek and promising to keep the contents hot whilst you work.  I…Read More

Last Orders on Leaflets?

Last weekend I spoke to my favorite entrepreneur from the events and hospitality industry. So, if you are currently drawing up a strategy, evaluating your channels or looking for growth tips – read on.  I believe what she shares is invaluable for the Hospitality industry whilst being highly transferable to other sectors.  What I want…Read More

Add value or move over

2021 marks the end of a middle man. A middle man whose position was solely based on placing himself between the buyer and the seller.  Nothing new really. We were observing this trend as the technology made direct transacting that much easier.  First were the travel agents and many predicted property and recruitment will follow….Read More

Sustainable Luxury

In 2020 Households in the UK have saved close to £17.5 billion a month during the last 2 lock-downs according to This is Money.  This trend continues in 2021 as people working from home are curbing their spending. It’s good for our budgets and good for the planet Whilst online spending grew by 34% in…Read More

What’s Next?

With dropping footfall how will the Outdoor be affected? As China is coming out of the pandemic shut down, we are bracing ourselves in the UK for what may come. Poland, Spain and Italy opted for maximum isolation in a bid to contain the spread of the virus. Restaurants, Theatres and Museums have shut its…Read More

Eco marketing

I meet with an old friend and colleague recently. During our Saturday catch up in her beautiful garden, we talked about the digital spilling onto ATL and the pollution. 2 topics supposingly unrelated but intertwined: marketing & environment. Both subjects are close to our hearts, but it seemed there is an unexpected connection. She is a…Read More