Weather Targeting as a tried and tested tool in increasing DOOH relevance

When planning your real world campaign it’s easy to assume that May in Italy will be sunnier than in the UK.

Second weekend of May was the first really hot weekend in the UK. You could see parks full of people whilst retail offered impromptu reductions in retail to make space for summer collections, whilst temperatures in Milan were below those in London with a heavy rain.

Whether it’s an anomaly or not, it’s very hard to predict when promotional activities are planned, which is why agility in marketing has become a winning factor. Those that embrace the tech and are ready to react come up trumps leaving the less responsive frustrated.

Moreover if your business is sensitive to weather context (e.g. fashion, beauty and travel) you know that May is a critical month to get the messaging aligned with the context to capitalise on consumer spending.

When it comes to real world messaging weather targeting has emerged as a formidable tool in the realm of digital out-of-home (DOOH) advertising. By leveraging real-time weather data, advertisers can tailor their ads to the prevailing weather conditions and create a more relevant and captivating experience for consumers. This strategic approach has been recognized and celebrated at the prestigious Programmatic DOOH Awards, where weather targeting played a pivotal role in determining one of the winning campaigns.

Among the award winners was a weather-targeted campaign executed for a renowned beauty retailer. The campaign utilized real-time weather data to deliver contextually relevant ads, displaying raincoats and umbrellas when it was raining and showcasing swimwear and sunglasses on sunny days. The campaign’s success was undeniable, with a remarkable 25% increase in click-through rates and a significant 15% boost in sales.

The impact of weather targeting extends beyond the Programmatic DOOH Awards. Numerous case studies and industry reports have consistently demonstrated its effectiveness in enhancing advertising campaigns. For instance, a study conducted by a leading advertising agency revealed that weather-targeted campaigns generated a 45% higher brand recall compared to non-targeted campaigns.

In addition to boosting brand recall, weather targeting has also been shown to increase purchase intent. A survey conducted by a prominent market research firm indicated that 72% of consumers are more likely to purchase a product or service if the ad they see is relevant to the current weather conditions.

The benefits of weather targeting are multifaceted. It enables advertisers to:

  • Enhance the relevance of their ads by aligning them with real-time weather conditions.
  • Capture the attention of consumers who are more receptive to ads that are tailored to their immediate needs and preferences.
  • Increase brand recall and purchase intent by delivering ads that resonate with consumers on a personal level.

Weather triggers are not new but have certainly improved in accuracy since it first started. It is simply a means to an end – if advertisers make their messaging more relevant, those messages become more engaging and therefore more powerful; through building higher awareness, sales or whatever KPI the activity is being measured by. Programmatic DOOH can accelerate greater relevance in advertiser messaging than ever before. There are a multitude of different data triggers that can help marketers drive greater relevance.